Q083-□ GUY LAROCHE ROCHAS Hello baby CHANEL ALLURE Chloe Calvin Klein Christian Dior POISON 未開封 箱付き 香水 10点セット 7.5-100 人気オーダー
★★★ はじめに ★★★
ご入札の前に、必ず取引に関する注意事項の欄を確認していただきますようお願い致しますご入札された時点で当店からの注意事項等にご納得頂いたと判断いたしますBefore bidding, please be sure to check the column of notes on dealingsAt the time of bidding, we will judge that you were satisfied with the notes from our shop etc.
NotesBoth products are unused and unopened all once passed into the hands of people, including junk and one of a kind used in the treatment of this item is. You bid on the understanding that the USED junk, ask your bid after fully no claim no return in. The situation currently, many exhibits and cannot respond to individual questions. In our inspection when conditions, is listed as a guide only and will never guarantee and product warranty and what isnt. Are second-hand and junk food on our available at buyers own risk, so as a result we are not any responsibility whatsoever. Who will bid on our products at the mentioned description, shipping method, payment method, notes, etc., will be deemed to be hours of operation and make sure it agreed. I would like thank you so please bid on, so cannot accept any complaints ignored matters concerning what will be in and also check. Also, am here contacting you from cancellation in contact within 48 hours and not remitted within 72 hours if the bidder like convenience and happy. In doing so, YAHOO.From the side of the "very bad" rating with that please.
『Q083-□ GUY LAROCHE ROCHAS Hello baby CHANEL ALLURE Chloe Calvin Klein Christian Dior POISON 未開封 箱付き 香水 10点セット 7.5-100 人気オーダー』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でkJ-cd342c0213から出品され、527の入札を集めて02月02日 19時 42分に、15,300円で落札されました。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。即決価格は15,300円でした。富山県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークションでした。
★★★ はじめに ★★★
ご入札の前に、必ず取引に関する注意事項の欄を確認していただきますようお願い致しますご入札された時点で当店からの注意事項等にご納得頂いたと判断いたしますBefore bidding, please be sure to check the column of notes on dealingsAt the time of bidding, we will judge that you were satisfied with the notes from our shop etc.
上記内容を全てご理解した上での入札をお願いいたします -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【本数】10本
一部を除きまして 同日にご落札されたお品物は全て同梱し、発送させていただきます。
■商品落札後、 48時間以内にご連絡、72時間以内にご入金が確認できない場合は落札者様都合でのキャンセルとさせていただきます。
NotesBoth products are unused and unopened all once passed into the hands of people, including junk and one of a kind used in the treatment of this item is. You bid on the understanding that the USED junk, ask your bid after fully no claim no return in. The situation currently, many exhibits and cannot respond to individual questions. In our inspection when conditions, is listed as a guide only and will never guarantee and product warranty and what isnt. Are second-hand and junk food on our available at buyers own risk, so as a result we are not any responsibility whatsoever. Who will bid on our products at the mentioned description, shipping method, payment method, notes, etc., will be deemed to be hours of operation and make sure it agreed. I would like thank you so please bid on, so cannot accept any complaints ignored matters concerning what will be in and also check. Also, am here contacting you from cancellation in contact within 48 hours and not remitted within 72 hours if the bidder like convenience and happy. In doing so, YAHOO.From the side of the "very bad" rating with that please.
『Q083-□ GUY LAROCHE ROCHAS Hello baby CHANEL ALLURE Chloe Calvin Klein Christian Dior POISON 未開封 箱付き 香水 10点セット 7.5-100 人気オーダー』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でkJ-cd342c0213から出品され、527の入札を集めて02月02日 19時 42分に、15,300円で落札されました。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。即決価格は15,300円でした。富山県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークションでした。