It is in good condition for its age, but there are scuffs and other small scratches. It has been inspected by an amateur, so please purchase it with the understanding that it is a used item. There may be scratches that cannot be seen in the photos, so please purchase it for play use only.
It is in good condition for its age, but there are scuffs and other small scratches.
It has been inspected by an amateur, so please purchase it with the understanding that it is a used item.
There may be scratches that cannot be seen in the photos, so please purchase it for play use only.
『ポケモンカードBW ビリジオン 084/076 UR BW9 女性に人気!』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でkJ-cd342c0213から出品され、273の入札を集めて02月02日 02時 59分に、7,872円で落札されました。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。即決価格は7,872円でした。石川県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークションでした。